Page 91 - Always Virginia
P. 91
Always Virginia 79
March 22. Joe and I came down to see the auto wreck from
school. We went skating in the nite all over town up and down
streets. Had a swell time.
March 23. Joe and I, Beulah and Jome [nickname for “Jerome”].
Barry, Rosemary, and Billy all went skating all over town. Then we
came down at my house. Swell time.
March 24. Went to Church. In eve. Joe came down after
Church. We stayed home and talked. Had a swell time.
No entries from March 25, 1935 to April 23, 1935
April 23. Prom. Went with Joe Pedrucci. Had a grand time.
Had a swell corsage and a swell formal. Double-dated Ed Cox and
Jean Hoecker. Did we have fun?
April 28. Had a date with Harry Buoy to go see Roberta. Went
with Carl Weidlocker and Beulah Draper. Good time. In evening
had a date with “Joey.” We came home and danced. Grand time.
April 29. Boarders [of whom scholarship athlete George Frit-
scher was one at Routt] went on a strike because their cook was
fired. None of them came to school. Father Formaz made them
come 6th period. More fun. They were in the basement of the
boarding house yelling, etc.
May 2. Joe’s birthday. I didn’t know it though until it was over.
I sent him a belated birthday card. It was right cute.
May 3. Joe and Skeets came by and wanted me to go skating.
We went by for Mary Baban. Had lots of fun. We fell about 6 times.
May 4. Joe went skating with M. Baban. I went with J. O’Neil.
Joe got mad and took Mary home right away and came with O’Neil
and me. More fun. Was he mad?
May 5. Joe and Jim came down for supper. Came down about