Page 88 - Webinar workbook
P. 88

Chapter 1

                                          It’s Your Business, Run it as Such!

               As a busines owner, you have responsabilities that need to be taken serious.

               You MUST:

                   1.  Invest Wisely- What may be working for your neighbor, may not necessarily be a good
                       fit for your current and future buiness endeavors. Some of the valuable assets that you
                       can pick up to help beter your postion in business and life are FREE or close to free.
                   2.  Research- You can no longer from this day forward operate off of what “They Say,” or
                       “What my friend did.” It’s your business, Your visoin, YOUR responsibility to research
                       and find out what are the rules and regulations as o today!
                   3.  READ!!!!!!: Read, Read, REEEEEEAAAADDDD! The down fall of many came at the
                       hands of their ignorance and unwillingness to READ for themselves.

               If you have any hope and or desire to be succesful as a business owner that wins contracts, You
               have to educate yourself first hand. No one knows your visoin better than you. I can advise and
               share all day, but the reality is, I will never be able to lead you directky to the pieces you need .

               Email:                 Website:              Phone: (323) 301 6531
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