Page 21 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 21

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                                               © Mydogphoto/Cook photography

                                      JUDGING THE SLOUGHI
                                                  BY NANCY LOVELADY - USA

          An extremely rare breed in the USA, the                As there is no size disqualification,
          Sloughi is fairly interesting to judge when            height is not an overriding concern, but
          one has an entry. When considering the                 anything too large will not be efficient in
          breed, one must first approach the exhibit             the field, which is something a judge
          holistically. That is, taking in the shape and         needs to keep in mind - that form must
          make of the dog, and assessing the                     follow function.
          positives. From the general appearance,

          one should go from least detailed to most              Also, there are two 'types' or styles in the
          and of course, do it all within the 2 minutes          breed: a desert type, that is smaller, and
          time frame. It is hoped that this article will         lighter in build, but it is not weedy, or
          assist judges in making those critical                 weak looking. The mountain type is fairly
          decisions about breed type.                            obvious - a larger boned animal that

                                                                 looks as though it is larger and may have
          First, when stacked, one must consider the             a 'heavier' appearance. And again,
          outline, especially the proportions. The               balance and proportion are to be
          Sloughi is not as short in back as the                 considered; the dog must not be cloddy,
          Azawakh, nor as long in back of the Saluki.            coarse or even vaguely resemble another
          If other Sloughi exhibits are present in the           breed.
          ring, each should be compared to the
          others, in order to assess breed type.                 Both are correct and worthy of

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