Page 23 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 23

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  3

        Fifth: Angulation, both front and rear, is             If an untrained or unstable animal attempts
        always moderate. It is difficult to ascertain          to bite or menace, they should be excused,
        'open angulation' as mentioned in the AKC              for everyone's safety, but that is up to the
        Standard, but shoulders should be flat-                judge's discretion. Sloughis are intelligent,
        bladed and well-laid back, with about a 110            quick and can be difficult to stack when
        degree angle. Rear angulation is moderate,             new to the ring, but should have basic
        and the breed should never be set up as a              manners. Any exhibit, according to AKC

        Whippet, overstretched in the rear. It is just         direction, should tolerate a light exam
        not correct nor desirable.                             easily and without negative reactions. They
                                                               are sensitive by nature, as are most
        Sloughis are not a glamorous breed. They               sighthounds.
        are a 'plain Jane' in the sighthound world,
        and 'flash' or 'showiness' are lovely to look          Fifth, Color seems to be another confusing

        at, but it should only be considered an asset          aspect of the breed for most judges - it is
        if the animal is exceptional in all other              my most constant question about the breed
        respects.                                              when speaking with judges!

        Being a "What You See Is What You Get"                 Almost any color is permissible, except
        breed, there is little need to have a heavy            white, parti-color, liver or blue.
        hand during the exam. Other than dentition,            White markings should be minimal at best,

        you can visually assess Sloughis fairly easily.        and white tips of toes are of minimal
        Young Sloughis may be nervous or flighty, as           importance in the evaluation. A small white
        they get used to the show scene, and most              marking on the chest is acceptable, and if
        will need some gentle handling while young             the quality of the animal is superior, it
        to provide a positive show experience,                 should be rewarded, NOT penalized.

        otherwise, there is little one needs to
        change when examining the breed, if you are            If one is not sure if a dog is cream or white,
        used to judging sighthounds.                           take a piece of paper, perhaps a business
        It is my personal experience that many                 card, and hold it against the dog. That is
        judges approach Sloughis like a time bomb,             the easiest way to determine 'true' white
        ready to explode at any moment, due to                 dogs, which are, in fact, extremely rare.
        incorrect information. Some may be

        somewhat primitive, but are not feral, and as          What one does not wish to see is anything
        such, one need not 'announce their arrival',           approaching the white socks or the "Irish"
        'approach with caution from the side' or any           markings of the Azawakh.
        of the other ridiculous notions that float
        about the show world.
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