Page 26 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 26

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  6

        Lastly, of the three physically similar                About the author:

        breeds, Azawakh, Saluki and Sloughi, the
        American Sloughi standard contains a list              Nancy Lovelady is an AKC licensed judge, and
        of disqualifying faults, unlike the Azawakh            has judged the breed in the US as well as the
        and Saluki, which have none.                           Sloughi Club Show in the UK. She is an
                                                               accomplished mosaic artist, teacher and
        It is my opinion, that a laundry list of faults,       currently has 4 Sloughis. Her kennel name is
        often does more harm than good, when                   Almahboubin.

        assessing the quality of such a rare breed.
        As of this writing, August 2021, there are
        perhaps 10-20 animals that are showing in              Crapon de Caprona, M.-Dominique (2017),
        the US and there is a lack of consistency of           "Understanding The Sloughi", Sighthound
        breed type, due to a variety of styles of              Review, Winter Issue.

        imports and breeding programs.               

        As such, one must judge with a 'common                 Crapon de Caprona, M.-Dominique (2018)
        sense' approach, and prioritize your                   "Understanding Ears in Sloughis"
        exhibits accordingly.                        
        Hopefully the above article will help clarify

        and address some of the misconceptions                 Kriss, Randa (November 6, 2017), "Sloughi Dog
        about our lovely and treasured breed.                  Breed Information", American Kennel Club,
        Special thanks to Pia Chaouki, Kath Clark

        and Dr. Dominique Crapon de Caprona for
        permission to use their photos.
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