Page 31 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 31

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  1

        It is ironic that the first dogs of Florence          William Tyssen-Amherst, first Baron of
        Amherst, La'aman and Ayesha, do not come              Hackney, Howard Carter's first patron,
        from Mesopotamia, but from the Tahawi                 supported his education [9]. He is known
        (Bedouins) from Lower Egypt (we will come             for his collections of books, manuscripts,

        back to this below), who have close ties to           and antique furniture, and became famous
        Syria [6].                                            for his Egyptian collection, which he
                                                              exhibited in a separate museum on his
        Gladys Lance (Sarona) and Frances Joan                estate in Didlington Hall.
        Mitchell (Nablousi) bred their dogs to
        other kennels. Florence Amherst only                  In the winter of 1894/95 Sir William
        allowed her males to outcross with Sarona             Tyssen-Amherst undertook a trip up the

        and Nablousi females but kept her own                 Nile with his entire family, his wife and
        Amherstia line unmixed, never taking                  seven daughters, including Florence
        outside stud dogs for her bitches [7].                Amherst, who was already 35 years old [10].
                                                              During this stay Florence Amherst saw for
        With Florence Amherst, who paid close                 the first time the local sighthounds, Slughi
        attention to the type of origin of her Shami           in Arabian, as she writes. Two of these

        Salukis, and Brig. Gen. Lance who valued              feathered sighthounds from "Shami type",
        hunting ability more than any distinctions            with names La'aman (Luman) and Ayesha
        of type or region - we have the two poles,            she took for herself. Wilfred Jennings-
        between which the Saluki breed has moved              Bramly shipped the pair to her in England
        since then [8].                                       in November 1895.

        Egyptian origins reflected in the research            During the return trip she met at Thebes

        carried out by Lady Amherst                           with Percy Newberry, an archaeologist
                                                              working there and his assistant, Howard
        Towards the end of the 19th century there             Carter, the 21 year old protégé of Amherst,
        is great interest in Egypt's cultural                 together. It was Lady Margaret Amherst
        heritage. Many European countries sent                who helped Howard Carter get his

        archaeologists there, we want to consider             apprenticeships with the Egyptian
        above all Howard Carter, who carried out              Exploration Foundation and the British
        excavations on behalf of Lord Carnarvon.              Museum. In October 1891, at the age of
        Howard Carter discovered the grave of                 seventeen, Carter had joined Percy
        Tutankhamen in 1922. With this discovery,             Newberry's team in Beni Hasan [11]. 27
        which included a large number of splendid             years after the encounter at Thebes both
        grave objects, a veritable Egyptomania was            archaeologists were to be involved in the

        released.                                             discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
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