Page 34 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 34

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  3  4

                                         Source Bergström et al., (kya = kilo years ago)

        The genetic origins of the African Sloughi            The original dogs from the Levant were
        and Asian Saluki types                                completely replaced there by dogs from
                                                              Iran 3,800 BC and from Europe 300 BC.
        In 2020, the sequencing of ancient canine             These dogs also include the dogs of the

        genomes revealed that the origins of                  Asian Saluki type, i.e. not African Sloughis.
        modern dogs from sub-Saharan Africa have              In contrast to Africa, the Neolithic
        a single origin from Anatolia and the                 population from the Levant does not seem
        Levant, dating back to 5,000 BC. In the               to have any ancestors to today's dogs there.
        Neolithic context, the Levant describes the           Instead, the dogs from 300 BC make up 81%
        area in which agriculture and cattle                  of ancestors in Iran and 18% have ancestors
        breeding originated, i.e. Mesopotamia, but            in Europe.

        also Egypt along the Nile. This immigration
        in the Neolithic from Syria/Palestine/Sinai           The oldest dog finds in Africa come from
        lasted only a few centuries (Bergström et             the Nile Delta (3,900 BC) and from Esh
        al.).                                                 Shareinab on the Nile in what is now Sudan
                                                              (3,500 BC).
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