Page 37 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 37

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  7

                              The Saluki Shami among the Tahawi, in Florence Amherst's article in
                                             Cassell’s New Book of The Dog, 1907

        For horses, authentic sources (strains) are             "Laaman" and "Ayesha", both from pure
        necessary as per the Arabic Bedouin culture,            gold color, were the same breed as the
        so we gave up our original horses coming                Shah's of Persia. "Sama" came from this
        with us from North Africa because they lost             pair. Florence Amherst continued the breed

        their authenticity as Arabians and                      with newly imported dogs and was
        established new studs based on Anazah and               England's first breeder ... " - The quote is
        Shammar horses.                                         exactly this - "The breeding of Laaman

                                                                and Ayesha was said to be the same as that
        As for the dogs, we had our dogs coming                 in the kennels of the Shah of Persia." (E.C.
        with us from North Africa. There was no                 Ash’s Dogs and Their History, 1927).
        reason to give up with them because there is
        no such strict (breeding) culture with dogs             The fact that the Shah of Persia had dogs
        as with horses. But we must also had                    from the same breed suggests that the

        acquired more dogs from Syria (in the 19th              imports of the Salukis from Syria came to
        century)."                                              the Tahawi immediately before Florence
                                                                Amherst's receipt of La’aman and Ayesha!
        Aga vom Hagen, a contemporary of

        Florence Amherst writes: "From a Syrian
        tribe in the districts of Selia and Ismailia
        (Egypt), Florence Amherst received two 10-
        month-old puppies that acclimatized

        surprisingly well.
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