Page 40 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 40

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  0

        Harold Dickson, who worked in the                        In 1887 they gave their Greyhound bitch
        diplomatic service in the Middle East and                Manjustine to Prince Kamal Ahmed, who
        the Persian Gulf, received an inquiry in 1934            mated her to one of his Salukis. In 1903
        from a "lover and well-known breeder of                  they met Abdallah Ibn Majelli from the
        Saluqis in London" whether the Arabs had                 Hannadi tribe near Tell el-Kebir, who

        separate lines of Salukis, as happened with              hunted there with descendants of this
        the horses. Dickson researched this                      Greyhound-Saluki mating [20].
        question in Kuwait and only confirmed
        certain preferences among the tribes for                 However, it is unlikely that the smooth-
        smooth-coated or feathered Salukis. He                   coated "Slughis" photographed by the
        couldn't find any evidence of different Saluki           Tahawi were descendants of the
        breeds other than hearsay [19].                          Greyhound female from Blunts. The

                                                                 Hannadi Sheikh Ibn Majelli was jealous of
        As we saw with the photo documents from                  the Tahawi Sheikh Saud of Al Salhiyah and
        the beginning of the 20th century, the                   so he would rather have tried to have
        Tahawi had feathered Salukis of the Shami                better hounds than he had. Brian Duggan
        type as well as smooth-coated sighthounds                writes with a twinkle in his eye that

        that certainly could be North African                    Amherst's first two imports, La'aman and
        Sloughis, and even probably are. Finally                 Ayesha, may have had some Greyhound
         Yasser Ghanim writes, that the Tahawi in                genetic material from the Blunts' bitch,
        the 19th century brought their dogs from                 Manjustine.
        North Africa. It is by no means certain that
        Asian Salukis had occurred for centuries in              When the English "Saluki or Gazelle
        North Africa, nor even in Egypt, where, due              Hound Club" was founded, we saw that
        to the proximity to the described areas from             the two main protagonists, Florence

        Mesopotamia via Palestine to the Arabian                 Amherst and Brig. Gen. Frederick F.
        Peninsula, such sighthounds could have                   Lance, pursued very different concepts of
        most likely been established.                            selection and breeding.

        At this point one must note that in Florence             As Brian Duggan writes, Brigadier Lance

        Amherst’s research the records of Lady                   was the more successful of the two in the
        Anne Blunt and her husband Wilfrid have                  show ring and in breeding. His concept of
        played a role. They were an important                    mixing the different types, the main thing
        source of Florence Amherst's interest in the             being that it results in capable hunting
        Salukis. After their travel in Arabia, the               dogs, was also the approach used by the
        Blunts bought a house and property in the                Arabs.
        vicinity of Cairo, where they kept horses and

        a couple of English Greyhounds.
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