Page 44 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 44

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  4

        We have seen that the "Saluki/Slughi" is an             In English, the language of the standard

        Oriental sighthound in various forms, which             keeping country, we see "Middle East" as
        includes very different types and which                 countries of Egypt, Bahrain, Cyprus, Iran,
        traditionally can produce mixed litters -               Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
        feathered/short-haired - even with the                  Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey,
        Bedouins. These characteristics were                    United Arab Emirates and Yemen. But this
        written into the breed standard in 1923                 collection is not satisfying, especially
        when the "Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club"                 since they do not define conclusively the

        was founded.                                            countries of origin of Saluki.

        However, one must not overlook the fact                 The criticism of this term "Middle East"
        that the Salukis also have different regional           on the Wikipedia page states that it adds
        types! Even if Elizabeth Dawsari writes that            to the confusion about the changing

        when two smooth Salukis from the Arabian                definitions. This term was first used by
        Peninsula are mated, there might be hounds              the American government in 1957 in the
        with feathering in the litter. The bottom line          Eisenhower Doctrine and has not since
        is that there is always a type that is                  led to a clear definition or designation of
        recognizable [23]! Therefore, these                     states or areas. Therefore, the use in the

        (western) drawers should be opened with                 FCI Standard No. 269  of November 29,
        some caution, but there is also the opposite            2000 is not useful for the Saluki breed

        view that you can simply mix everything                 and, on the contrary, allows assignments
        together which is not productive in the end.            of sighthounds that are historically not
                                                                detectable in the different Saluki types.
        If we look at the areas of origin of the term
        "Middle East" specified in the FCI standard             As we have seen in the description of the
        for the Saluki, this is anything but clear. In          way of breeding by the nomads of

        German, the "Middle East" means Iran,                   Sloughis in North Africa (in portrait
        Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan,            "Heinz-Gerd and Gisela Bergmann"[24]),
        Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. That is useless for           they proceed in the same way as the
        our purposes.                                           Bedouins on the Arabian Peninsula, which
                                                                Elizabeth Dawsari so succinctly
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