Page 48 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 48

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  8

        And then I have to thank Gail Goodman, who lets some contemporary witnesses have
        their say in her book with their perceptions and observations, with whom I was able to
        make acquaintance. Elizabeth Dawsari and Gail Goodman gave me some basic pointers to
        understand what the Salukis are and what their cultural roots are. Sir Terence Clark

        contributed some aspects to the discussion with his interesting observations in various
        countries of origin.

        My special thanks go to the various peoples, many of whom speak Arabic, who for
        centuries have cared about the culture of hunting with sighthounds, whose qualities must
        be proven again and again in the protection of the herds and the defense of the house.

        We should listen and look to their insights and practical knowledge, which rely less on an
        image than on characteristics.

        The Tahawi Bedouin Yasser Ghanim was able to contribute some important reports and
        photos to the Big Bang of the Saluki breed. Thank you very much for that, Yasser!

        But the Tunisians Marouane Meddeb and Raouf Ochi also contributed to this article with

        their experience and knowledge.

        Thanks, again, to Richard Hawkins, who is a source of sources, for his support in
        scientific matters.

        Finally, and that is always a most important point, I would like to thank M.-Dominique
        Crapon de Caprona warmly for publishing these surely extravagant considerations about
        the Saluki in her wonderful magazine about the Sloughis and thus a basis for new ways of
        our understanding and the future breeding of our beloved Sloughis!

        About the author:

        Having been a Sloughi fancier since the 1980s and enjoying my 15 year old Amaya, I am
        living in the South West of Germany as a freelance architect. In November 2015, I visited
        with Marouane Meddeb and Raouf Ochi in the North of Tunisia. Since then, I have been
        writing about the Sloughi and its culture.
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