Page 50 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
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        Amherst, Hon. Florence, "The Gazelle Hound" in Woman’s Pets, a section of Every
        Woman's Encyclopaedia, pp. 1293-1295. This was the largest encyclopedia of the late
        Edwardian period (1901-1914).

        Amherst, Hon. Florence (1907), "Oriental greyhounds", in Cassell’s New Book of The Dog,
        chapter LVI, pp 474-483.

        Bergström et al. (October 30, 2020), "Origins and genetic legacy of prehistoric dogs",

        Science 370, 557, DOI: 10.1126/science.aba9572.

        Daumas, Général E. (1858): "Les Chevaux du Sahara et les Moeurs du Désert", 5th Édition,
        Michel Lévy Frères, Libraires-Éditeurs, Paris, France.

        Duggan, Brian Pattrick (2009), "The Desert Hound and the English Travelers Who Brought

        It to the West", ISBN-13: 978-0-7864-3407-7.

        Duveyrier, Henri (1864), "Les Touareges du Nord", Exploration Du Sahara, Challamel Ainé,

        Goodman, Gail (December 1, 1995), "The Saluqi", Midbar Inc., ISBN-10: 0963922408, ISBN-
        13: 978-0963922403.

        vom Hagen, Aga Gräfin (1935), "Die Hunderassen: Ein Handbuch für Hundeliebhaber und
        Züchter", Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, Potsdam.

        Sloughi Review Issue 6 (2021), An International Magazine For Sloughi Enthusiasts, Sloughi
        Fanciers Association of America (SFAA), editors: Caroline Mathews, M.-Dominique Crapon
        de Caprona, Nancy Lovelady.
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