Page 46 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 46

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  6

        So we can speak of its own "breed" in North              We should put an end to this linguistic

        Africa since ancient times. The ancestors of             confusion and establish clear
        today's Sloughi breed were smooth-coated                 geographical assignments of origin to the
        and had smooth offspring, as can be seen in              eastern sighthound breeds under the
        the dog mummy of 1,400 BC. Also, they have               collective name "Saluki" in the various
        had the same use since then, namely                      languages. A breed association purely by
        hunting the hare, fox, jackal, and gazelle, and          the general name "Windhund",
        the Sloughis were used as guardians of the               "greyhound" or "Saluki" to make, is for

        flocks and homes.                                        professionals insufficient and leads to
                                                                 ambiguities that one would not have with
        To provide a clearer differentiation of racial           definite terms in the language. It is not
        types in the various cultural spheres, it is in          about purity of breeding in a western
        my opinion necessary to better define the                sense, but about distinguishability, which

        appropriate name and the countries than it               has arisen from a long succession of
        is at the moment. It is not enough to use an             generations on the African continent and
        empty phrase "Saluki" as a description of the            in the Middle East and whose special
        breed for all types that occur in different              characteristics should be preserved for
        ways, if one wants to make a more precise                the future.
        assignment. So the English should be able to
        say that this "greyhound" is a "North African            The profound changes in the Saluki types

        Sloughi" or an "Asian Saluki", or the French             began at the beginning of the 20th
        say of a "lévrier" that it  is a "Sloughi                century and since the 1970s, it has also
        d'Afrique du Nord ou un Saluki d'Asie."                  become terrible for the Sloughi through
        Among the Arabic-speaking people there is                crossbreeding of traditionally non-
        already the distinctions of origin type                  occurring sighthound types and their
        (Slughi Shami, Moghrebi, Tazi, Parsi etc.).              mixed breeds.

        In English we could generally make the                   The Sloughi and its ancestors have been
        distinction between "greyhound" as the kind              traceable in surprisingly clear and
        of dog, and "Greyhound" as the breed. But to             unambiguous form since the ancient
        use the term "sighthound" or "gazehound"                 Egyptians. The Greek and Roman
        would be a clear reference to a type of dog.             understanding of "Libya" ("Libyans" =

                                                                 "Berbers") describes all of North Africa,
                                                                 including Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula.
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