Page 43 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 43

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  3

        To make the reverse conclusion and to say                 With the return of some of these people,
        that all Eastern sighthounds are Salukis is               so came their sighthounds to England and

        only understandable if one takes into                     in the end the efforts to establish and
        account that the general name for a                       describe these sighthounds of various
        sighthound in the Arabic language is "Saluki"             types and origins resulted in the
        or "Slughi". This basic designation for a                 "admirably flexible breed standard" (Sir
        sighthound must take into account the                     Terence Clark [21]).
        different types of different origins, without
        having a too rigid system as a basis, which               The breeds of North African Sloughi and

        would not do justice to the respective breed,             Asian Saluki according to FCI
        if you will.
                                                                  "… The Slughi in North Africa is of the
        The Standard keeping country for the Saluki               same type as the smooth Slughi of further
        breed in the FCI is England. So we have to                east, and it is said to be of the same
        briefly look at the background to the origin              Arabian origin, though it now forms a

        of the breed description. Brig. Gen. Lance                distinct variety. These greyhounds are
        and some of his colleagues who were doing                 highly valued by the sporting Beys of
        their military service in the Levant and the              Algiers, Tunis, and elsewhere, and the
        Middle East as well as Egypt, got to know                 Bedawin of the Sahara, and the best ones
        the fast hunting dogs there, which they                   come from the Tell and Sidi Cheikh.
        called "greyhounds" at home, but which                    They are handsome dogs, strong and
        there were named "Saluki", "Slughi" or "Tazi".            muscular, with a powerful frame, which is

        Many were avid hunters and, whenever
        there they were allowed the time, drove                   said to give them a lean appearance. They
        away the cares of everyday life with their                have a narrow head and pointed nose.
        hobby. That was mainly at the time when the               They are light yellow sand colour, with
        Ottoman Empire collapsed, when people like                smooth coat, devoid of any feathering. They

        Gertrude Bell or T.E. Lawrence immersed                   have black muzzle and nose, and black
        themselves deeply in Arab culture and had                 markings over the eyes, which are brown.
        some influence on politics with their                     Their ears are like those of an ordinary
        knowledge. Both Gertrude Bell and T.E.                    Greyhound, only larger. They are used for
        Lawrence were Arabian scholars and                        hunting gazelle and other desert animals.
        travelers for many years before the                       These Slughi have very fine sporting
        beginning of WWI.                                         qualities ... " (Florence Amherst [22]).
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