Page 38 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 38

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  8

                                North African Sloughis among the Tahawi, in Hutchinson’s Dog
                                     Encyclopedia, 1935, text by Lady Florence Amherst

        In contrast, Henri Duveyrier wrote in 1864              But as to why Florence Amherst preferred

        that the Touareg had three breeds of dogs,              the feathered dogs (Salukis) to the
        the sighthound (Oska), a long-haired Arabian            smooth (Sloughis), Yasser Ghanim
        dog and the Aidi [17]. But even he only                 answered as follows:
        describes the Sloughi (Oska) as a
        sighthound, but not the "very rare Arabian"             "I can probably guess. The same reasons
        dog.                                                    she thought the Tahawies are from Anazah.

                                                                Everybody in the West wanted the high
        The photo documents of the Tahawi                       quality Anazah and Shammar horses. So
        Bedouins are interesting. They show both                probably they thought the same about the
        "Slughis" of the Shami type, as well as                 dogs. I am not expert in Saluki but it could
        obviously - North African Sloughis!                     be that the dogs of the Arab tribes of Syria

                                                                were considered more authentic and
        Marouane Meddeb from Tunisia even takes                 Oriental, I am not sure."

        the opinion that the Arabs never had their
        own dogs; the Salukis are the dogs of the
        Persians! The Sloughi is the Berber dog.
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