Page 35 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 35

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  5

        In contrast are the graphic representations            This is also currently confirmed by Salima
        of the Tadrart Acacus or the Pharaohs,                 Ikram. Here we have confirmation of the
        which are in part of older origin and                  origin of (sight) hounds at Rekhmire from
        already show fully developed hound types.              Nubia, even after such a long period of

        This shows that the ancestors of the
        African Sloughis are historically different            In Lady Florence's above-mentioned article
        from the ancestors of the Asian Saluki                 in Cassell's New Book from 1907, she also
        types. At this point it must be stated that            separates the description of the four Asian
        the Sinai Peninsula belongs to Africa                  Saluki types in section I. from section "III.

        according to the understanding of the                  The North African Slughi, or Slughi of the
        Pharaohs, is also geologically located on              Sahara." This with reference to the Dutch
        the African plate, but geographically it is            importers and breeders Mr. Michel La
        counted as a part of Asia.                             Fontijn, Mr. Auguste Le Gras, Mr. Joh.
                                                               Knoops, and others who, according to our
        Asian Saluki types in Africa - the Tahawi              current opinion, owned all North African
        Bedouins                                               sighthounds of the Sloughi breed.

        The narrative of the 20th century, the                 In one subsection of the "North African
        "Saluki" came to the Maghreb with the                  Slughi" she writes of the "greyhounds of the
        conquest of the Arabs in the 7th century               Sudan" - small well-shaped "greyhounds" of
        AD, has so far remained without evidence.              a smooth-coated type. The color is light
        As shown, genetics do not support such a               yellow, cream, gold or brown. They are

        theory, either.                                        used for hunting hares and gazelles. There
                                                               they are called "Shilluk" (as also a people
        We have seen above that Lady Florence                  from South Sudan). Then Florence Amherst
        Amherst has already made a reference by                speaks about a further sighthound type,
        the Arabs to the origin of the "Slughis" to            which is described as a powerfully built
        the Pharaohs, as she writes. In addition,              dog, with upright ears and small eyes. Its
        however, she mentions "Slughis", who also              main characteristic is the coloration, which

        came from Nubia in the early 20th century.             is white with black or brown markings.
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