Page 30 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 30

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  3  0

        Although Florence Amherst describes the                 Even the decision on the official name of
        Arabian types of Salukis, she and her English           the breed required a discussion. Lady
        pre World War I colleagues in breeding,                 Florence suggested the name "Saluki Shami
        interestingly, do not fall back on the three            Gazelle Hound", but it excluded the other
        types of the Arabian Peninsula [3], but                 types of other members. Therefore the
        import the obviously different types of other           breed name "Saluki or Gazelle Hound" was
        regions.                                                decided with the remark that "Saluki" was
                                                                the universal name for the breed [5].

        As Brian Duggan reports, she and the other
        breeders did not know people in the areas               Brian Duggan continues to use "Saluki" as a
        with Omani, Nejdi, and Yamani Salukis, so no            breed name. However, since it is about very
        imports from there were possible. That is               diverse types, that are to be summarized in

        why she only had the Shamis – and would                 the collective name for a breed, one should
        come to prefer that type. These were                    talk actually of "Saluki type".
        Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Transjordan,
        Palestine and Egypt, therefore areas, where             Sir Terence Clark speaks in his foreword to
        the former Ottoman Empire lasted until the              Brian Duggan's book "Saluki – The Desert
        First World War. Here, the military stayed,             Hound and the English Travelers Who
        who in their spare time indulged in their               Brought It to the West" about the

        hobby, hunting with sighthounds.                        "admirably flexible breed standard that
                                                                summarizes the diversity of the hounds'
        Florence Amherst and another twelve Saluki              origins."
        breeders and owners founded on February 1,
        1923, the "Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club",               He writes also about the struggle "to find a
        during the Crufts show. Already at the                  name for the breed from the many

        inaugural meeting there were different                  conflicting usages - from Slughi to Tazi",
        opinions as to which Salukis should be                  and the fact that "the resulting compromise
        included in a breed standard, because the               is not the happiest."
        members of the constituent meeting owned
        dogs of all 4 described types. In the end,              Florence Amherst preferred the lighter
        Brigadier General Frederick Fitzhugh                    "Mesopotamian type" for the "Amherstia"
        Lance [4] prevailed with his opinion to                 dogs, over the "heavier Syrian type" of the

        include all types of all origins from Syria to          Saronas of the Lances; Sarona Kelb,
        Egypt (at this point in time at the beginning           however, was a mixture of two different
        of the 20th century) in the standard.                   hounds of origin, for his parents were of

                                                                different heritages, maybe types.
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