Page 29 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 29

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  9

        The English travelers who brought the                  We owe Florence Amherst the still valid
        Saluki to the west                                     descriptions of the different types. In
                                                               Cassell' s New Book of the Dog, 1907, she
        To understand how it came to this                      writes of the "North African Gazelle Hounds.
        "Tohuwabohu" (confusion), we call a                    The Property of Herr Michel La Fontijn" and
         selection of witnesses from the early 20th            shows a photo of sighthounds of the breed
        century.                                               Sloughi!

        One mentions first The Honorable                       Florence Amherst describes the different
        Florence Amherst who traveled to Egypt to              types, but also, that it was difficult to set
        the Nile with her father at the end of the             and to determine their origin:
        19th century. Lord Tyssen-Amherst of
        Hackney loved ancient art and books. He                "I. The Slughi, Tazi, or Gazelle Hound . - The

        had an entire library of historically                  original home is difficult to determine. ... but
        significant works. At these valuable                   they seem to have been of foreign importation
        sources, the daughters of Lord Amherst                 - both from Asia and from Africa.
        learned how to work systematically and to              In Persia the Slughi is known as the "Sag-i
        present correctly what was observed [2].               Tazi" (Arabian Hound), ... which literally

                                                               means "Arabian" (a term also applied there to
        Florence Amherst actually saw and                      Arab horses). ... According to tradition at the

        experienced the sighthounds in Egypt,                  present day (1907) on the Persian Gulf it is
        which she called "Salukis" and "Slughis" in            said that these dogs came originally from
        her later descriptions, as well as "Gazelle            Syria with the horse. Arabic writers say that
        Hounds" and even used still different other
        names. You can feel with her the striving              the Slughi was only known to the Pharaohs..."
        for a consistent form, which, however,

        consists of very different pieces, in other            Florence Amherst also refers to the Greek
        words Saluki types. As mentioned above,                Empire in Syria, but this leads too much into
         she describes them with the respective                speculations that we want to avoid.
        regions of origin "Shami" (Syria), "Yamani"            As we have read above, she assigns the
        (Yemen), "Omani" (Oman) and "Nejdi"                    original Saluki type to Syria; logically, she
        (Central Arabia).                                      bred the type "Saluki Shami" in her
                                                               "Amherstia" kennel.
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