Page 45 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 45

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  5

        Along the way the good Sloughi hounds are               In northern Tunisia there are, in their
        mated with the females; if it is Berber                 time, next to sand colored ones some
        nomads or Bedouin, it is beside the point.              beautiful gray brindle Sloughis, as was in

        However, only smooth sighthounds occur in               the 1970s Sarah, a sister of the Champion
        the descendants of the North African                    Bedui. In the south there are also red-
        Sloughis. This is further proof that the Asian          sand colored, but also white Sloughis
        types, if they should actually have come to             occur there. Occasionally one sees
        North Africa with the Bedouins in large                 Sloughis with black mantle in Tunisia.
        numbers - for which there is no evidence -              However, these assignments to our
        left no traces behind. Because all North                modern states can only be imperfect,
        African Sloughis are smooth and should be               since the nomads migrate across borders

        according to the standard!                              in these areas. But our imagination must
                                                                not succumb to the mistake that these
        However, it must be questioned whether it               migrations continually covered distances
        is sufficient to define a distinction merely by         from Morocco to the Caspian Sea.
        means of the phenotype. As mentioned

        above, Sir Terence Clark also writes that               It is astonishing how uniform the Sloughi
        these different types also exist because they           is, if one assumes it is found in all of
        have experienced different requirements                 North Africa. A distinction is made
        and uses. The breed selection must                      between the mountain type and the
        therefore have been different and produced              desert type, but Raouf Ochi, Sloughi
        these different types. This, however, mainly            breeder in Tunisia, says it is always the
        affects the Saluki, instead the Sloughi seems           same Sloughi and this distinction

        quite uniform in its use in North Africa.               between mountain type and desert type
                                                                can not be made [25].
        The different types of Saluki also correspond
        to the locations that individual tribes use. As         Our modern dog exhibition culture
        Elizabeth Dawsari writes, La'aban was a                 generates new types: let us take for
        tricolor Saluki. This essentially black Saluki          example the modern English Greyhound,

        is not typical for the Arabian Peninsula. The           which depending on its use, is either an
        cream and gold colored Salukis predominate              exhibition type or a racing type, that are
        on the Arabian peninsula.                               even genetically distinguishable. An
                                                                original coursing Greyhound would look
        But also with the Sloughis, the Bergmanns               different again.
        reported of predominantly occurring colors
        in certain areas.
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