Page 22 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 7
P. 22

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  2

        In the American standard, proportions are            Because of this, a light touch is strongly
        not as specifically designated as with the           desired by both the exhibitor and the dog.
        FCI standard (Standard #188; Sloughi first
        breed recognized in the FCI), but the breed Fourth, Sloughi movement should be
        is taller than long, but only by a slight bit.       smooth, efficient and lithe. The Standard
                                                             indicates "supple, smooth and effortless…"

        It is assumed that most judges will or               and from the side, Sloughis should be easy
        ideally should have 'hands-on' knowledge             on the 'go round', without the "lift" one sees
        of Salukis, being that they are more                 with some sighthounds, such as a
        popular. As a result, one should reward              Deerhound.
        Sloughis that are slightly shorter in back
        than the typical Saluki.                             It is all about efficiency with this breed!
                                                             They are built for speed and stamina, and as

        Second, in the American standard, the                such will not have the bulky musculature of
        word 'robust' is used, but it does not refer         a Greyhound or Whippet, which are short
        to the animal being large, bulky or coarse.          distance racers.
        The term refers to an animal that is healthy
        and strong, nothing else.                            Sloughis should not exhibit tremendous or
                                                             exaggerated reach or drive, but should be

        'Robust' is NOT coarse/heavy boned or                strong and effortless in their movement. On
        heavy-headed.                                        the down and back, Sloughis should be clean
                                                             movers. Sloughis are required to hunt all day
        Third, temperament is of paramount                   in their Countries of Origin (COO), even
        importance in the breed. The Standard                today, and they must be able to keep up and
        indicates that like most sighthounds,                hunt for hours vs. a short burst of speed.
        Sloughis are aloof and reserved. No judge

        should feel threatened or scared when
        judging them. It is strongly recommended
        that if you feel concerned for your safety,
        that the dog be out of the ribbons, or
        perhaps excused.

        Sloughis do not especially like to be
        touched by those outside of their family
        situation, so may emit a feeling of
        discomfort or disdain during the

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