Page 43 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 43

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  3

        and, unlike his hunting colleagues visually              It cannot therefore be ruled out that the
        depicted in the Rekhmire – Tribute, carrying             continuity of hunting with Sloughi and its
        its tail upwards; it is more than six years old.         predecessors may be as stable as the
        If the Tribute – Scene of Rekhmire is                    composition of the current population
        combined with the lifetime of Amenhotep                  suggests.
        (Amenophis) II (1427-1401 BC), it is

        reasonable to link this hunting dog to                   And they have always hunted together:
        Amenhotep II, which also suggests a royal                both human and Sloughi, Sloughi and
        edict for its mummification.                             human. Mainly on foot, occasionally with
        The Sighthound, originating from “Central
        Africa” is one of the precursors of Sloughis.            Finally I would like to quote Ibn Khaldun

                                                                 again: the country shapes the culture -
        Hunting together, that is to say working and             that is the culture of Sloughis, which has
        walking together through their hunting                   been the same for centuries, even
        grounds, it must have given its owner great              millennia.
        pleasure and happiness. The fact that it
        came to Egypt as a tribute is testament to its           But what does this mean to “Sloughi
        very high value and appreciation.                        people”?

        As we saw with reference to hunting in                   When the Sloughi runs through the
        ancient Greece, hunting dogs were also                   landscape 'as it does while hunting', let
        imported from Libya.                                     your eyes run with it, and delight in the
                                                                 vision of your Sloughi’s happiness in those
        Thus, there were hunting dogs in ancient                 fields, in the hills and valleys of its life!

        North Africa. The same applies to the                    (Fig.23)
        time that Romans and other peoples
        occupied the region.

        The research of today’s North African
        population shows that the proportion of
        natives who are Berber is still higher than

        that of other genetic groups such as
        Europeans and Turks. The Arabs are clearly
        in the minority.

                                                                 Figure 23: happy Amaya in the landcape. © Th.Liedtke
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