Page 41 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 41

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   4  1

              Figure 22: The Meidum geese; 2575-2551 BC; painted gypsum; 27 x 172 cm; Egyptian Museum (Cairo)

        However, Ibn Khaldun uses the term                        Ancient Egyptian art is characterized on
        ‘arabization’ (36) differently from what we               the one hand, by a strict formalization
        do today: we use the term in the sense of a               and canonization, and on the other hand,
        genetic ‘conversion’ but in fact it is a                  by a high degree of naturalism and

        displacement or overlapping of the                        accurate detail (fig.22).
        Berber culture by the Arab, in which the
        Berber written culture has largely been lost.             Naturalism predominates in depictions of
                                                                  nature, of plants and animals, but also in
        Finally, much of Spain’s Muslim conquest                  artisanal, agricultural and other practical
        had been carried out, particularly at the                 activities such as shipping, hunting and

        outset, by Berber tribes, which have also                 fishing. For example, the species of
        built their own emirates or caliphates,                   animals presented, domestic as well as
        namely the Almohads (37) and Almoravids                   wild, can usually be correctly zoologically
        (38).                                                     identified.

        DIVERSION III – PICTORIAL                                 The idea of the “Sighthound in ancient
        REPRESENTATION OF SIGHTHOUNDS IN                          Egypt” assumes that there was only one

        ANCIENT EGYPT                                             dog of the Basenji type, the older Tesem.

        It is well known that funerary cults played a             However, it should be noted that there
        crucial role in ancient Egypt. Modern                     are already two reliefs from adult lop-
        viewers are skeptical of that ancient artwork             eared dogs in the so-called Old Kingdom,

        - what is actually being depicted, can we                 from approximately 2700 to 2200 BC (40).
        trust what we see in the art? Should this
        be taken seriously? In modern art                         It can be assumed that the early high
        perception, it would not in any way be                    cultures, such as those of Egypt and
        important whether the dog has prick-ears or               Mesopotamia, were aware of the practice
        lop-ears, for example. Artists insist on their            of obtaining desired characteristics in
        freedom of performance. However, this is                  dogs through selection. However, it is not

        not the case in the art of ancient Egypt (39).            possible to speak of different breeds in
                                                                  the modern sense.
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