Page 37 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 37

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  7

                                        Figure 15: Tesem old (1) and younger (3) type

        Even if we count Hatshepsut’s trip to the               The dog was calculated to be about six
        Land of Punt, from where dogs have also                 years old. Ikram notes that such dogs are
        been imported (image of science, Angelika               still to be found in the South of Egypt.
        Franz) which should be located in Africa
        (Eritrea/Ethiopia, neighbouring to                      The elongated form of the Sighthound
        Kush/Nubia), as shown by recent research                mummy can also be seen in the

        A. Franz, it is still unlikely that (sight)             representation of the Tribute Scene of
        hounds will have originated in the Arab                 Rekhmire, even to having the same tail
        region.                                                 carriage and colour as one of the tribute
                                                                dogs. Could this mummified dog be one of
        What is more, we have a mummified                       the very same portrayed in the Rekhmire

        Sloughi-type Sighthound (Fig. 16) from                  Tribute? We can date this quite
        the Egyptian museum in Cairo, the head of               accurately to 1400 BC, in the New
        which is completely similar to a Sloughi (Fig.          Kingdom.
        14), with the small, lop-ears and short, sand-
        coloured hair, i.e. not similar to a Saluki
        (fig.16). According to Ikram’s description the
        mummy of the Sighthound was found at the

        graves of Amenophis II and Horemheb.

         Figure 17: Sloughi head study (Saff) © de Caprona           Figure 16: Dog Mummy © Anna-Marie Kellen
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