Page 34 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 34

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  3  4

                                        Left: figure 11, Wikipedia; right: figure 9, Tesem.

          Kush is located between the 1st and 5th, or          Historically however, Sighthounds can only
          6th, Nile cataracts. A further                       be found in the Orient but above all in
          representation of the Tesem dates from               Egypt; there are precise renderings of
          2490 to 2323 BC.(Fig. 9). The depictions of          them, which can be dated and there are

          the Sighthound-type in the Mesopotamian              also mummified dogs (21).
          area are similar to those of the older prick-
          eared Tesem in Egypt (4, figure 10).                 From the time of the Egyptian New
                                                               Kingdom (22) (1539 to 1069 BC), we can
          In this context, representations of both the         connect the Sloughi-type to some

          Tesems are found, with prick and lop ears,           indication of its origin.
          but they share the common tail carriage
          carried over the back; in this case we refer         In the tomb paintings (23) of the “Rekhmire
          to it as the “Basenji type” (20).                    Tribute” (24) we find the exact timing, 1427-
                                                               1401 BC*, when the Vizier Rekhmire was
                                                               presented with hunting dogs from “Central
                                                               Africa” (sub-Saharan Sudan) by the Kushite

                                                               Nubians as tribute to Pharaoh Thutmosis III

                                                               We need to look at this scene in more
                                                               detail (Fig. 12).

          Figure 10: Beaker with Tesems, Susa, 4th century BC
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