Page 31 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 31

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  1

                      Figure 2: the Golenischeff Shell               Figure 3: the Narmer Palette, Wikiwand

          However, the Sloughi type can be found               The same applies to the Islamic conquest of

          shortly afterwards on the Narmer Palette             North Africa by the Arabs/Bedouins, or
          from Hierakonpolis (7) approximately 3200            even to Roman or Vandal imports. All these
          BC.                                                  assumptions, all based on imports into
                                                               Africa, have so far been unsubstantiated
          So far, it has been suspected that Salukis           and should be rejected as proof of the

          were brought to Egypt from the Middle                Sloughi’s origin.
          East (11), but after the victory of the
          Egyptians over the Prince of Kadesch, for            IMPORTS FROM SYRIA AND IRAQ TO
          example, at the Battle at Megiddo (8) under          FRANCE (MARSEILLE)
          Thutmosis III. There is however evidence
          that this is not the case. It was recorded           It has been alleged that Sloughis were
          that 340 prisoners, 2238 horses, cattle and          present in the Levant: Syria and Iraq,

          other animals were taken, but not                    (Zwahlen/Maerki, 10, p82), “… after the
          apparently any dogs (according to the                First World War … In today’s Iraq and Syria
          Annals of Thutmose III (9)).                         there were Sloughis, and Przezdziecki tells
                                                               us, that for a time of fifteen years ships
          Bedouin Arabs were not found in Egypt                brought such hounds from Beirut to
          until the 1st century BC, so they cannot             Marseille, … to substitute the imports from

          have brought the Sighthound with them                North Africa. …There were successful French
          which was found there much earlier in the            breeders and fanciers in Switzerland and
          whole of North Africa.

          Editor's note: Numbers in brackets refer to
          the literature, asterisks to footnotes at the

          end of the article.
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