Page 33 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 33

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  3

                                                                    Left: figure 5, Tadrart Acacus, map.
                                                              Right: figure 6, Hunting Scene, Tadrart Acacus.

      THE NORTH AFRICAN SIGHTHOUND                           We will get a more detailed picture of these
                                                             Sighthounds from the Egyptians.
      If we look at the stone-age depictions in              Depictions of Tesems (15) appear here in

      the Wadi Mathendous (13) of the Fezzan,                the Old Kingdom (16), once in the burial
      and the Tadrart Acacus (14), we should note            chamber of the Nubian (17) Ny-ankh-Pepy
      the remarkable geographical location of                (18), 11.Dynasty, before 2077 BC (Fig. 8). This
      these artifacts: the Tadrart Acacus is just in         is important, because through the Nubians
      the border area between Algeria and Libya,             a geographical link can be established with

      south of Tunisia (Fig. 5).  The hunting                the Libyan desert (“Libya” is Roman &
      (sight)hounds (Fig 6) have a deep chest, in            Greek for “Berber”), and geographical
      one the tail ends in a curl as can be seen             “Nubia” coincides with historical “Kush”(19)
      today in Sloughis of Morocco and Algeria               which we will come across later.

            Figure 7: Sloughis in the South of Morocco              Figure 8: Ny-Ankh-Pepy and Tesems.
                     © Abdorahman Fritah
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