Page 28 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 28

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  2  8

          In this context I would like to thank Jürgen            If you are so inclined please use Wahid
          Linke posthumously, and his wife, of whom               Herzi's bank details for donations
          we do not know whether she is still alive.              IBAN TN59 1003 8150 5006 5347 88
                                                                  BIC STBKTNTT
          Last but not least, I would like to especially
          thank Brigitte Biebach, who, in her friendly

          and helpful manner, made photos available,
          some of which dating back to the 1970s;
          photos that, beyond the technical
          descriptions, describe some of the
          atmosphere in Ghardimaou at that time.

          Michael Yates helped me to bring the text
          in a good common English. Thank you,

                               Gisela Bergmann and Jürgen Linke discussing Sloughis in Douz
                                         with Salem Gharzallah, 1999 © de Caprona
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