Page 25 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 25

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  5

                           Sloughis and horses in the courtyard of Baraket, Ghardimaou © Biebach

        The Bergmanns‘ concern was to pass on                   During the 1960s and 1970s, inspiring and
        the long-standing traits so treasured in                creative spaces emerged, and people
        horses to Sloughis of health, toughness,                strived to create their own paradise, as did

        performance and longevity in an                         the Bergmanns in Ghardimaou on the
        unadulterated form, and to recognize and                Baraket estate. The world stands in stark
        continue to preserve the true treasures of              contrast to this today. We are now used to
        our ancestors. This was certainly the case              creating an image that only consists of
        with the early animals in the 1980s.                    external properties. From this point of
                                                                view, the Bergmanns' Sloughis seem
        Roland Stichelmeir writes:                              strangely alien, less perfect in their

                                                                appearance. No world winners are made
        “… the Bergmanns were by no means                       from this material! Or maybe yes? But they
        dropouts, rather the opposite, Heinz-Gerd               have the substance that makes this breed
        always worked, and the animals were just a              so distinctive in an inimitable way. We

        hobby in the beginning. .... and don’t forget,          often think today that such breeds can be
        in the end we all liked Gisela, and she was a           bred from any other breed within a few
        crucial part of my life."                               generations! But that is a thesis on which
                                                                the ancient Greeks failed. The Bergmanns,
        “… The reality in Baraket was by no means               with all their imperfections, are a shining

        rosy. Keeping horses and dogs was very                  example for revitalizing and preserving the
        borderline, the essentials were missing (food,          basis and for that we owe them our
        medication)."                                           heartfelt thanks!
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