Page 30 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 30

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  0

                                              Figure 1: Amaya © Th.Liedtke

                           THE CULTURE OF THE SLOUGHI
                                            BY THOMAS LIEDTKE - GERMANY

                               Dedicated to my wonderful Amaya, who calls me to come coursing

        The Sloughi, North Africa’s Sighthound, has           For example, in Germany, A.C. Brendel in
        existed for thousands of years.                       his wonderful history suspects that the
        None of the many cultures have been able              Sloughi originated from the vertragus (3),
        to change its existence: as Ibn Khaldun (1)           which came to North Africa with the
        put it, the country shapes culture - be it            Vandals**. Rüdiger Daub (4) suspected, as

        Berber, Carthaginian, Roman, Vandal, Arab             have others, that the Sloughi is a
        (Bedouin), Turkish or French – and as                 descendant of the Saluki, possibly from
        the culture persists, the Sloughi remains an          Egypt, having been brought there at the
        essential or even fundamental cultural                time of Thutmosis III by the Bedouin Arabs,
        element over millennia.                               and since the 7th century AD imported into
                                                              the rest of North Africa.

        ITS ORIGIN SINCE THE 1970s                            The older Egyptian hunting dog, the prick-
                                                              eared version of the Tesem (5) is given a
        Cynological (2) thoughts on the origin of             more prominent place in this respect as it
        the Sloughi since the 1970s have been many            can be detected in the period preceding
        and colourful, mainly due to the fact that            the appearance of the Sloughi type: in the
        the genealogical forefather of the dog, the           depiction on the so- called Golenisheff

        wolf, was not historically present in Africa          Shell, of the Naqada I Amratian culture
        in any form whatsoever*.                              Upper Egypt (6), of approximately 3600 to
                                                              3800 BC.
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