Page 40 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 40

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  0

                           Left: figure 21, Kritikos Lagonikos, Cretan hound; right: figure 20, Basenji.

        DIVERSION II - THE EMERGING GENETIC                     The original Berber population has
        POPULATION OF NORTH AFRICA                              however not been replaced by later
        We shouldn’t forget the genetic aspect of

        the North African population, as today this             Genetics support this impression: for 80
        population is thought of as “Arabic”. If Ibn            % of North Africans, the male hereditary
        Khaldun is right in saying that ‘the                    line shows that 65 % are of Berber origin
        landscape shapes culture’ and not otherwise,            and only 15 % are of Arab origin. Among
        that culture shapes the landscape, the use of           other sources, the female hereditary line
        Sloughis for hunting in North Africa must               has a diverse proportion of European

        be an original, deeply rooted culture over              origin, ranging from 45 % to 80 %
        centuries, even millennia, precisely: 'the              (Iberian, Italian, North European).
        Culture of The Sloughi'.                                Genetically speaking the population of
                                                                the Maghreb is not Arabic (35).
        Ninety eigth percent of modern Tunisians
        believe that they are of Arab origin.                   Historically, ‘arabization’ is explained by
        However, Ibn Khaldun (1332 to 1406) pointed             the fact that, for political reasons, various

        out that the people of Tunisia, and to the              Berber tribes have joined the Muslim
        same extent Algeria and Morocco, possibly               conquerers, but for centuries resistance
        for the whole of North Africa, are ‘Arabized’.          has been provided by independent Berber
        The concept of ‘Arabization’ here, unlike our           tribes.
        western use, refers exclusively to the

        adoption of cultural elements such as
        language, writing and religion of Arabic
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