Page 42 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 6
P. 42

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  2

        We should better think of them as different             Sloughi that has existed for centuries or
        types, known as ‘landraces’. Eveline                    millennia, or it has yet to be proven.
        Zahradnik also writes of a Sighthound type
        that occurs next to the Tesems, with a                  On the contrary, hunting dogs, including
        straight or twisted tail (41).                          Sighthounds, were exported from North

                                                                Africa to the Mediterranean, i.e. from
        However, all these representations describe             Egypt and Libya.
        (Sight)hound types with smooth hair, but in
        no way with feathering or long hair; there is           The older Tesem of the two is excluded
        in antiquity no other type of dog in Africa             from this analysis. However, it must be

        than with smooth hair.                                  noted that the early representations are
                                                                similar to those in the Levant. The older
        SUMMARY                                                 Tesem is similar with its curled tail
                                                                carriage above the back, but also to the
        There is no evidence of the Sloughi’s                   Mediterranean type, as represented by
        relationship with Saluki, neither genetic nor           the Kritikos Lagonikos. The Basenji, as an
        historical; nor are they ‘cousins’. The genetic         African dog and as a prototype also

        line of female mitochondrial DNA and Y-                 corresponds to the older Tesem type.
        chromosome DNA clearly distinguishes the
        separation between Sloughi and Saluki  over             THE SLOUGHI AND ITS CULTURE
        millennia (42).
                                                                The oldest rock art of the Tadrart Acacus
        Sloughi-type (Sight)hounds were found to                shows hunting groups of humans and

        be imported into Egypt via the                          dogs – whether these are Sloughis or
        Kushites/Nubians from “Central Africa”.                 their precursors cannot be said. It is
                                                                important that they are seen travelling
        There is no historical evidence of any kind             together in the area, in the process of
        of imports from what are today’s Iran, Iraq,            hunting together - coursing.
        Syria, Israel or the Arab Peninsula earlier
        than late 19th century (43).                            In the meantime, we can get a more

                                                                specific vision of the Sighthound in the
        Occasionally, Sighthounds from other                    New Kingdom, 1400 BC in Egypt: it was
        sources may have been brought with them                 smooth-haired, sand-coloured, had a
        at times from Roman (Vertragus, 44), Vandal             typical Sloughi head, but its body was
        or Bedouin origin, but this does not appear             more in line with the long type (45),
        to have had a deeper impact on the type of
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