Page 13 - Parkside Gasification & Pellet Plant Report 081117_Neat
P. 13

Comments Potential for upside increase from 0.09c / kw to 13 c/kw Rising power costs will consolidate this figure Rising gas costs will consolidate this figure Extra sales volume with increased capacity Can be lowered with a National distribution deal Can be lowered with a National distribution deal  Comments This is a max. labour est ‐ likely lower in reality $112K p.a. in accumulated (non cash) wear and tear cost engine   replacement cost  Already allowed for in production costs

                               Weighting         Medium  Medium                     $730,000    $64,000  $794,000

                            Risk  Low  Low  Low  Low                             Total

                                                                                    490,000.00  4,000.00                        Parkside has the opportunity to become an industry leader by investing in world class technologies to utilise 100% of the milled resource

                                                                                 Parts  $       $         0

                                  478307.52  382550  $102,000  225,000  549,600  637,500  2374957.52  13,225,000  18.0%  Labour  $240,000  60,000.00  CEFC have recently  been directed to invest heavily in renewable energy projects away from solar and wind.

                                                                                    6           $    1  1.5          Obtain ARENA co‐funding for on site energy plant. This will boost ROI numbers further.
                                                                                 No. workers                            Negotiate a stronger FIT energy price with retailers Additional profit from extra sales due to higher kiln throughput volume Will become a very low cost producer of pellets into a growing market. The technology solution is repeatable at other sites within the group.

                     PARKSIDE GROUP ‐ Investment Returns

                            Revenue streams  Electrical income external  Electrical income internal  Gas savings Inc. kiln drying capacity benefit  $25 / m3 x 9,000m3 p.a.) Pellet sales  profit15kg bags  Briquette sales profit  Total free cash generated  Investment amount  ROI  OpEx Costs ‐ annual  Gasifiers:  7 units  RUF / FLR 1000  CPM press  Total OpEx  Opportunities  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.

                            MW hrs  8085  1677.472  6407.528  1093  350  382550  5314.528  478307.5  860857.5  8659  189891  52,747  52.7  $102,000  $408,000  549,600  637,500

                            Projected savings after CapEx Stage 1 energy generation  less extra energy consumption Surplus energy generated  Current energy consumed from grid Current energy cost / MW  Total current energy cost  Surplus energy exported  Revenue at $90 / Mw  Total electrical energy savings  Gas for kiln total lt.  Total energy Mj  Equivalent kWTh  Equivalent MwTh Current gas cost 50 degrees drying temp Projected gas cost 70 degrees drying temp  Profit from pellets 3000T / 15kg bags x $2.75/ bag profit  Profit from briquettes 1700T / 8kg bags x $3/ bag profit
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