Page 10 - Parkside Gasification & Pellet Plant Report 081117_Neat
P. 10

Hours of Gasifier operation p.a.  7000  840 Stage 1 Fuel consumption kg/ hr   1440 Stage 2 Fuel consumption kg/ hr   Personnel   Total   Total   Hours    MWHr Electrical Energy Summary Req. FTE  mWhrs  kWhrs Operating Installed kW  Est cost  Qty. Equipment required Burkhardt gasifiers  7 x 165kW, pellet fuel feeding conv, ash removal   8085 Total generated capacity  5  313.6  313600  7000  56 7,140,000.00  $       7 conveyor, spares kit, commissioning  30,000.00  $            1 Cycle H/W to / from kiln based H.E's CPM pellet Cube 6mm pellets, capacity 4.0 T / hr, (run for 7 hrs / day, 5   1093 Existing plant consumption  1  779.52  779520  16


                                            100  150  200   300  320     400    450  451  452  460  500  600  650  670  700  800  810  900  920
                                        Item #

                                            5880   5040  840  3,000                      1700     600   13,230
                      Gasifiers to be Burkhardt 165kW modules running on 6mm dia pellets

                        7 x 165kW = 1.15MW / Hr of electrical energy 7 x 260kW = 1.89MW / Hr of Thermal energy Stage 1 will be 7x 165kW gasifiers.  Total 1.15MW El and 1.82MW Th Stage 2 will be a further 5x 165kW gasifiers.  Total 1.96MW El and 3.12MW Th.  Stage 1 Fuel consumption Tonnes / year in the gasifier (120x 165kW) Pipe work from gasifiers to heat exchangers at the kilns  CPM pellet press 6mm production / p.a. Fuel shortfall from dried green mill sawdust  Pellets for retail sale  Pellet packaging line Bunker for sawdust receival including unloading screw /   conveyor  Flash Drier for sawdust FLR1000  Dried sawdust storage silo #1  Storage silo #2 planermil
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