Page 6 - Parkside Gasification & Pellet Plant Report 081117_Neat
P. 6
o Run the pellet press double shift for 16 hours/ day. The balance of 4 hours will make
pellets for the consumer market using dried wood chip and sawdust.
100% of the shavings from the planer mill must be made into pellets for consumption in the
gasifiers. Because this material is ‘contaminated’ the pellets cannot be sold into the market.
Fuel consumption for the gasifiers will be:
7000 hrs x (165kW x 0.75kg / kW) = 840 Tonnes fuel / gasifier / p.a.
7 x gasifiers will consume 840 T x 7 = 5880 T fuel. This will be provided by the CPM pellet press in
Stage 1.
12 x gasifiers will consume 840 T x 12 = 10,080 T fuel. This will be provided by the same CPM pellet
press in Stage 2.
So, in summary the 4.0 T p.a. CPM press has sufficient capacity to provide 100% of the gasifier fuel
for 1.96MW El generation capacity year AND also produce 3,000 Tonnes pellets for the consumer
market if it operates on a 16 hour / day working cycle. Production capacity: 4 T / hr x 240 work
days x 16hrs / day = 15,360 Tonnes p.a. at 90% O.L.E = 13,824 Tonnes p.a.
The feedstock for this 10,080 T fuel will be provided by 9,600 T of shavings and the balance from
sawdust. The feedstock for the consumer pellets will come from the sawmill and be dried to 10%.
Electrical energy consumption
The Wondai dry mill currently consumes 1093mWhrs p.a. (figures provided by management)
Stage 1 extra energy consumption is 1669mWhrs p.a. (Approx. only) This is consumed by the
Energy Consumption Stage 1 mWhrs p.a.
Gasifiers (7) self-consumption 313
CPM pellet press line 1162
Flash Drier 64
Misc. equipment 130
Total Consumption Stage 1 1669
• Existing consumption of 1093 plus new consumption of 1669 = 2762mWhrs.
• Production of electrical energy is 7,000 hrs x 1.155mW = 8,085 mWhrs.
• Energy available for export is 8085 – 2762 mWhrs = 5323mWhrs.
• Hourly energy available from generation is 1100kW. Hourly consumption is just under this