Page 7 - Parkside Gasification & Pellet Plant Report 081117_Neat
P. 7

Electrical energy savings & revenue

                                                                           Value p.a.
                 Current energy cost is $350 / mWhr x 1093 MW            $382,550.00
                 Surplus energy export revenue 5323 x $90Mw              $479,070.00
                 Total electrical energy savings will be                 $861,620.00


               Current gas consumption is 8659 Litres at a cost of $102,000 drying at 50 degrees Celcius.

               If the gas cost and consumption doubles for every +5 degrees C of drying temperature then at 70
               degrees C, which I have been advised is the chosen ideal temperature to dry at to increase
               throughput, then the gas cost assumption would be an increase of $306,000 resulting in a total of
               $408,000. p.a.

               8659 Litres of gas produces approx. 59747kWhr of energy. Multiply this by 4 (50 degrees C to 70
               degrees C) = 239,988 kWhrs – or 240mWhrs. energy.  This is equivalent to approx. 240MW Th
               energy.  We have 1.82MW x 7000 hrs = 12,740 mWTh Thermal to dispose of – so even for allowing
               for transmission losses and leaks there is ample thermal energy to use in the kilns … and some.
               (Note: these energy comparisons between natural gas calorific LV value and kW Th energy values
               needs further analysis)

               Revenue and Savings Streams vs. Capital Cost

                 Description                                                        Value
                 Wood pellets.  3000 Tonnes x $183 profit / Tonne #1          $549,600.00
                 Briquettes. 1700 Tonnes x $375 / Tonne profit #1             $637,500.00
                 Exported electrical energy.                                  $478,307.00
                 Electrical energy savings.                                   $382,550.00
                 Extra profit from higher throughput. 9000m3 x $25 / m3       $225,000.00
                 Gas consumption                                              $102,000.00

                 Total amount:                                               $2,374,957.00
                 Capital investment:        Stage 1                         $13,225,000.00
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