Page 123 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 123

GERMAN                                                                    The other day my
           PINSCHERS                                                                 partner took him up
                                                                                     Scarfell on a 10-mile
           IN THE HOME                                                               trek, but equally we can
                                                                                     go out shopping and he
           Pinschers do
                                                                                     will curl up at home with
           make good family
           companions and are                                                        no fuss (especially if it’s
           very loyal to their family                                                raining!!).
           they are also great fun,
           affectionate and very                                                     My daughter often puts
           versatile.                                                                Kipling through his
                                                                                     paces over ever more
           Ronnie Bouch-Allen                                                        creative obstacles, and
           talks about Kipling, their Pinscher:                nothing is ever too much for him! He is great
                                                               with any other dogs we meet on walks, whether
           “I had dogs growing up and my partner had a         they are nervous, boisterous or timid, so we
           German Shepard when I met him, so I knew that       don’t have to worry at all, and, known as “Velcro
           we would eventually have a family dog, and it       dog” he never wanders out of our sight.  In the
           was only work that was getting in my way.           evenings, Kipling decides whose lap he will sit
                                                               on and he is never happier than when he is
           When I finally landed my dream job where I
                                                               cuddling and getting a back rub.
           could take my dog to work with me, there was
           no longer any reason to wait.  The list of what     All 4 of us love this little dog with a huge
           we needed our dog to be was so long, I never        personality and all our friends and family can’t
           thought one dog would work for all 4 of us: it      help but love him too. He also goes to the dog
           had to be mid/lap sized, but “look like a dog”,     sitter some days or for the rare holidays that
           not moult too much, but show jump like a horse;     he doesn’t join us for, and we always get good
           love long hilly walks, but not be too high energy;   reports for his interaction with the other dogs
           be totally trainable for the office, but also playful   and her family!!
           with the kids!!  Not too much to ask??!!
                                                               I would highly recommend this breed as a family
           So we went to Cruft’s as a family and looked at     dog, for owners who are prepared to invest time
           and stroked 130 different breeds in the discover    in training and stimulating their very bright minds
           dogs area. The German Pinscher stood out            to develop an extremely loyal companion.”
           for me as ticking every box, so when we got
           home that evening we spent hours trawling the       So as you can see the German Pinscher in the
           Internet for everything we could find and all       UK continues to thrive, for those of us that own
           agreed this was the breed for us.   We thought      and love them, they are an intelligent, cheeky,
           we may have to wait quite a while for this rare     loving and fun dog to have around. They are
           breed but were lucky enough to get connected        healthy and live a long life. We look forward to
           through the very friendly German Pinscher           their continuing story; you are welcome to join
           Club in the UK and were soon picking up our         us.
           gorgeous little Pinscher puppy.  Kipling is now 3
           years old and has filled our hearts.  Not only has
           he lived up to everything we had hoped for, but
           he totally exceeds our expectations every day.
           He has always loved learning new commands,
           from the basics to completely bonkers tricks
           that the kids make up, travels really well on my
           hour long commute to work, where he happily
           accompanies me to every meeting or curls up to
           sleep under my desk.

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