Page 127 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 127


                                                  German Pinschersn Pinschers

                                                                       Owned by Karen W
                                                                       Owned by Karen Wakefieldakefield

           It’s amazing to think that I have been breeding     Sassy was a steep learning curve as although
           German Pinschers for nearly 10 years. I never       in the pinscher family, her personality was very
           set out with the intent to breed or have a          different from the Dobermanns. Brinley and
           different breed but they have now become a          Talia were very patient with her, she may have
           very enjoyable passion of mine.
                                                                Sassy, my first German Pinscher
           Brintala as an affix originated out of the two
           names of my beloved Dobermans Brinley and
           Talia. It became live in 2005.

           I had had Dobermanns for many years and
           although I had had other breeds, Rough Collies
           and Poodles, after having Dobermanns I could
           never imagine life without one or having another
           breed. In 2009 I was introduced to the concept
           of owning a German Pinscher. The rest is
           History as in 2010 Sassy arrived from Laura
           Mills, and the Legacy Kennel in the USA, and
           became my first German pinscher.

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