Page 134 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 134

Rhu, she was done so well in the UK,
           Ireland and Europe. Both my German
           Pinschers have had Group placings and
           short listings and are Irish Champions.
           They have given me so much pleasure
           and introductions to some wonderful
           friends. My grateful thanks to Frank
           Kane for the initial suggestion.

           What does the future hold for
           Twrcyrmu? I am not sure as because of
           Covid19 all plans to perhaps mate Katja
           had to be suspended. I am the Breed
           Health Coordinator and as such have
           to be squeaky clean, so feel I cannot
           mate her until all her tests have been
           completed – just hips to be done.

           My contribution is to maintain the high
           standards of the past and present
           breeders of this wonderful rare breed
           which is known for being friendly, good
           natured, energetic, fun, very healthy
           and long living. Any disappointments?
           Yes, my German Pinschers cannot or
           will not give me the famous Pinscher
           smile!  I live in hope.

                         LOCKDOWN                                           Contact Us

                 OUR           ADVERTISING RATES!
                     Until Dog Shows Resume                      Alan Walker (UK)  +44 (0) 7801821158
                                                                 June Caffel (UK)  +44 (0) 7774680470
                                                                   Caroline Reynolds (Ireland)  +44 (0)
                   Full Page - was £275          £125                         7712659111
                   297mm x 210mm + 3mm bleed
                                                               Emer Wright (Ireland)  +353 (0) 833693232
                   Half Page - was £150            £85
                                                                 by email -
                   125 mm deep x 174mm wide

                   Quarter Page - was £80          £50
                   125 mm deep x 85 mm wide

                   Double Page - was £450        £200

                   297mm x 420mm + 3mm bleed

                                              K9 NEWS DIGITAL / JULY 2020
   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139