Page 135 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 135


           Jo Ellis & Roo

           photo by Lorraine Fitzgerald.

           We are Jo & Adie Ellis and we have owned and        to tick the most boxes was the German Pinscher
           shown Rottweilers for over 30 yrs. Our Affix is     but after looking after them, they are definitely
           “Falkor” which is the name of the luck dragon, a    not easier to handle than a Rottweiler!!!!!
           dog like creature in the NeverEnding story. Our
           logo also incorporates the “Auryn” which is the     We chatted to some GP owners at a couple
           amulet that the story is based around as well       of shows and discovered that there were very
           as being the name of our foundation Rottweiler      few in the country and even less being bred so
           bitch.                                              we were put in touch with a breeder in Finland
                                                               who had a promising litter that had just been
           As we are getting older and less agile we           born. My great friend (also Jo) and I had a
           decided we would look into getting another          weekend in Finland when they were 7 weeks
           breed, ideally within the working group.            old and choose our first GP Huxley (Nettles
                                                               Londonderry For Falkor IMP Finland).
           Our criteria was a breed that was smaller &
           easier to handle, healthy & fit, with a short coat.   Since then we have added Roo (Goodsouls
           Of the breeds in this group the one that seemed     Rumour Has It It’s Falkor) from here in the

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