Page 139 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 139
By Laura Henderson
Photo by Lorraine Fitzgerald.
Nico I have always loved we braced ourselves for a long wait . . . but a
month later we received the call about Nico.
big dogs and wanted a
Doberman but didn’t think
we had the space. I found
and we fell in love instantly. Nico was 5 years
German Pinschers by
old when he came to us and required some
accident when Googling “Small Dobermann” Nico came to us just before Christmas in 2017
after a friend’s suggestion. I started to research basic obedience training, which we started
German Pinschers and once my other half, straight away. Nico turned out to be a social
Adam, agreed this was the right breed for us butterfly and we have met some amazing people
I contacted the German Pinscher Club. I then and their dogs through the club, obedience
went to meet some GPs in person at a local classes and showing. We are good friends with
show and loved them! We weren’t fussy about his previous owner and I love that we can all
whether we had a puppy or an older dog but meet up and he can see Nico at social events
knowing how rare they are we braced ourselves and shows.
for a long wait.
Nico is the most friendly, cuddly boy and is loved
As luck would have it a couple down South by everyone who meets him. He comes to the
were looking to rehome their GP “Hunter”. After office with me every day and comes with us
meeting Hunter, we agreed to take him on and pretty much everywhere we go socially. They
although he had some issues we loved him are called Velcro dogs for a reason! Nico had
dearly and he completed our home. Sadly, we done some showing with his previous owner and
lost Hunter to cancer after just 18 months. We although I had no intention of attending shows
were heartbroken and contacted the club who my friend Jo suggested I should give it a go and
were very supportive and sympathetic. We were I was instantly hooked!
added to the puppy waiting list and once again