Page 143 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 143
History of the
The Dobermann had its beginnings in the city the refinement and line of this breed of dog.
of Apolda, located in the state of Thuringia, The Beauceron contributed size and colour to
Germany. Louis Dobermann was reputed to the Dobermann bloodline. The Beauceron was
be a tax collector in this area, and was also a solidly built dog, very alert, and was known to
responsible for keeping the strays in the local be intelligent as well. Louis Dobermann passed
dog pound. Herr Dobermann carried money away in the late 1800’s. He left his bloodline
on his person, and wanted a dog for self- in the keeping, and care, of Otto Goeller. It is
protection. His ultimate aim was to possess a speculated that it was Otto Goeller that added
dog that was of average build, so that it could the Greyhound, possibly black in colour, to
be intimidating to intruders or robbers. A dog the bloodline. This would account for the
with a short, smooth coat that would be easy additional height, stamina, and the speed of the
to care for, with a minimum of grooming. The Doberman. In 1899, the National Dobermann
dog would also have to have great stamina, Pinscher Club was organized in Germany. One
be intelligent, and display alertness, and year later, Otto Goeller, and other fanciers,
even aggression. So when he decided to use drew up a standard for their breed. The
different breeds to develop this special guard German Kennel Club immediately gave official
dog, Herr Dobermann had a very specific end recognition of the newest breed.
in mind. Herr Dobermann’s choices were not
hap-hazard; he picked and chose the dogs In the UK
very carefully. This is one of the reasons why The first Dobermanns in the UK were from the
early 1900s, consisting of a handful of imports
the Dobermann pinscher is referred to as “a
that were brought in. But it wasn’t until the late
man-made dog”. Unfortunately, he did not keep
1930s that the Dobermann really gained in
any written records. However, some very good
conjectures can be drawn from the knowledge popularity, and at Westminster 1939 the first
we have of the anatomy and temperament of Dobermann was crowned BIS - Ch. Ferry v.
Rauhfelsen of Giralda, born in 1937.
the Dobermann, and the knowledge of the type
of dogs that were indigenous to that area and For the UK, Fred And Julia Curnow, of the
time. The German Pinscher was probably the famous Tavey kennel, were the first to put the
foundation breed that Herr Dobermann used to breed on the map; importing dogs predominantly
build his new strain of dog. This type of dog was from Germany and America. Fred imported
described as being rather non-descript in looks, a German female Beka V Brunoberg who
but the reputation of temperament that this dog produced Adel of Tavey; the first Dobermann
had was one of alertness and aggressiveness. litter bred in England. Other Dobermann
enthusiasts followed suit & imported dogs to
A Mix of Breeds create their own kennels; Birling, Barrilmilne etc.
The Rottweiler was used in the development
of the breed due to its massiveness and As more and more Dobermanns arrived on
intelligence. This very solid dog also possessed the show scene, it wasn’t long before The
great stamina, and had excellent tracking Dobermann Club was formed in 1948 (then The
ability. Sometimes the Rottweiler strain can be Dobermann Pinscher Club of England), which
seen in a Doberman with a “wavy” coat. The Julia Curnow became secretary of for a number
Manchester Terrier contributed the black-and- of years. Black and Rust was the most popular
tan colouration, and the short, shiny coat. The colour at the time, with only a handful of brown
Doberman inherited some of the elegant looks, and rust Dobermanns.