Page 145 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 145
or learning more about your family pet. as it was felt that we
should wait until we
It all began on Sunday 17th April 1986 when a
had 200 members
large group (50+) of Dobermann Enthusiasts
(happy days). Mr
gathered in a room at the Eden Arms Hotel,
Terry Farr was elected
Rushford. The meeting was led by Mrs Sheila
Match Secretary and
Cole who had worked hard to gather people was a great asset,
devoted to the Dobermann, as she was to form
arranging many events
a new club in the North East of England. Plans
including our first which
for the new club were discussed while travelling was a Rally and Fun Day on
to and from shows with Colin and Pat Weeks
the 22nd June 1986 at R.A.F. Catterick.
and Gerry Young
A number of Fun Days and Dances were held
During the course of the meeting 40 founder
at Catterick which were very well supported and
members committed themselves to the
were great fun. While the fun side of the Society
formation of a new club. A lengthy discussion was going on the more serious side of running a
took place as to the name of the Club and after
club was developing. We soon had the support
much deliberation North Eastern Counties won
of many other Dobermann Clubs throughout
with 20 votes. Forty eight members immediately
the country but it was hard work because as a
enrolled on a membership register. Mrs B.
new group running a new club we had to “prove”
Bennett was elected as Membership Secretary, ourselves. By the end of 1987 the club was
Mr Harry Woodward was elected President and
going from strength to strength to the extent
Mrs R Scrivens was elected as Treasurer. The
that we had a waiting list of members wishing
Chair was taken by Mrs Sheila Cole and she to serve on the committee and others offering
was elected the first Chairman. Mrs Pat Weeks
their services in many different ways. During the
had been taking the minutes and had done most formative years we held, exemption shows, fun
of the ground work to form the club and she was
days, discos, training sessions etc.
duly elected as first Secretary. The first elected
committee was taken from the floor (proposed Our first Open Show was held on 20th
and seconded in the usual way) and these were May 1989 at R.A.F. Catterick and the first
Mr P Norton, Mrs J Higgins, Mrs S Young, Mr A Championship Show was held on 17th
Whiting, Mrs M Welsh, Miss A Lonsdale, Mr G September 1994 at Sunnydale Leisure Centre,
Young, Mrs S Stevenson, Mrs S Kerry, Mr T Farr Shildon. The club now holds its Championship
and Mrs V Black. The Constitution and Rules Show and Open Show on the same day and
were agreed and still exist today, however, were the first club to adopt this format.
theyhave been changed to move with the times
The club is still going strong and is served by a
Twenty two members paid £2.00 each to cover very experienced committee. All have had or still
the cost of registering with the Kennel Club and have Dobermans at home.
Mr G. Young paid for the use of the room. The
In recent year we have welcomed back
meeting concluded and we all went our separate
committee members who have served
ways happy in the knowledge that the welfare of
previously on the club committee.
our beloved breed could be taken care of by a
body of caring devoted people in the North East. President: Chris Wright
Chairman: John Purnell
Following the Inaugural Meeting the first
Committee Meeting was held in the Red Lion Secretary: Alison Richardson
Public House, Coxhoe the home of Mrs Welsh, Treasurer: Joanne Sanderson
on 11th May 1986 at which all committee Committee: Kevin Paige, Keith Allison, Tony
members were in attendance. We also received Batchelor, Tony Wilson, Margo Wilson
another 38 names of people wishing to become
members of the Society. The application to the If you want to find out more about the club
Kennel Club was deferred at the meeting please visit their website