Page 149 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 149

in MeMoriaM                                          Our sympathy to the family and friends
                                                                of the following members of the
                                                                Dobermann community

                                              Keith Rushfirth

                                              Meet Keith Rushfirth Judge / Breeder Hikay’s Show Kennels.
                                            Although Keith stayed in the background and left the showing to
                                            me he was a massive force establishing our kennels, he had a
                                            great knowledge of all animals as his father was a gamekeeper and
                                            Keith was very interested in all types of wild life and spent many
                                            hours just walking in the woods surveying the habits of nature.
                                            Keith was a firm believer of line breeding, not necessarily keeping
                                            the best bitch for showing, but he could see something in the bitch
                                            that would help our lines. Keith always loved Dobermanns more
                                            than me and it was Keith that persuaded me to get one out of Ch
                                            Highroyds Avenger and we were hooked. We have bred many
                                            champions in all our breeds both here in the UK and worldwide.
                                            We both judged Crufts together in 2011. We don’t always agree on
                                            the same dogs and after we got home we would discuss our day
                                            judging. Keith was very fortunate to judge in Europe many times
                                            which he enjoyed, looking at different types and comparing to the
                                            UK. Up to a couple of weeks before he passed he was telling me
           to carry on with our dream and continue to show / breed our Rottweiler / Japanese Shiba Inu as he
           knew how much I loved showing, not so much for breeding as that was his job and he did it so well.
           We have no Dobermann or Akita now.
             Keith is very sadly missed by many and our kennels will live on in his nam, I hope for generations
           to come. If Keith could give advice to a newbie it would be don’t rush. Find the right bitch to start your
           lines, lots of patience, forget about that red card, concentrate on finding that right bitch and in a few
           years you can achieve your goals.
                                                                       Irene Rushfirth

             Marion Mulholland
             Marion started showing Dobermanns in the early 1980s,
           regularly in the cards with her first male Aquarius of Varla and
           her home bred Azzaros Misty Dawn. Other commitments took
           priority for a while but about 20 years ago she came back to
           the show scene and accompanied by her husband Bill, was
           a regular exhibitor nationwide and in Ireland. Her long held
           ambition was fulfilled when her beloved TJ, Aritaur Tomahawk
           Marillium, by then a veteran, was awarded his crowning CC
           from Dutch judge Rob Douma, she was so proud.
             In recent years Pugs joined their family, enjoying considerable
           success but Dobermanns remained a passion and she
           continued to be a valuable member of the SDC Committee.
             Marion was great fun, energetic and outgoing but she also
           had a strong character & keen sense of right & wrong.
             She will be sorely missed by Bill, her 2 sons and her many
           friends and for sure the dog world will be a much less colourful

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