Page 150 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 150
Dave Williams
I believe everyone is still in shock following the brutal
murder of Dave Williams on the 27th January, 2020.
As Sue James of Dobermann Welfare put it “Dave was a
true Welshman, proud of his heritage, his family roots and
his Country.
So many people have said how much he helped them
when they first started showing their Dobermanns, he was
always prepared to go the extra mile and make people feel
He was very popular with the Dobermann fraternity and
other local dog exhibitors, helping to run the Merthyr Tydfil
Ringcraft Club. He was a big supporter of Dobermann
Welfare and donated quite a number of wooden plaques to
be raffled to raise funds for them. He rehomed two Dobermanns from Dobermann Welfare and the
last one, Otto, came back into the kennels following his death until a new home could be found for
him. Otto is now settled in his new home being well and truly spoilt. Dave’s bitch, Eva is settling in
well with Irene and her new friend Jack.
He enjoyed chatting to everyone and I am sure I am not the only one who misses his regular phone
Following very generous donations, a bronze Dobermann has been purchased to be be presented
annually at the Welsh Dobermann Club Championship Show in his memory.
There was quite a send off for Dave at his funeral held on the 3rd March 2020, from his family, the
Dobermann fraternity and the many dog exhibitors and friends who attended. There were around 24
Dobermanns who lined up outside the Church and the steps leading into the entrance wearing the
red bandanas, with an embroidered Dobermann within a heart with Dave’s initials, kindly made by
Sarah Lafford. They gathered at the back of the Church for the service and there was not a cross
word. At the Crematorium they lined up along the drive way. It was a very moving day and Dave’s
daughter Kirsty gave a very heartfelt eulogy. She and her mother appreciated the presence of the
Dobermanns at the funeral and said that Dave would have loved it.
Sam Louise made arm bands with a photo of Dave and Eva and donated these to raise funds for
the trophy. These raised £250 and it was lovely to see so many people wearing them at Crufts.
At Crufts a minute silence was held in the ring before the Dobermann judging where a photograph
of Dave and Eva was put in the middle. His daughter, Kirsty and her husband, Iain were there and
appreciated the love everyone showed to Dave. Dobermann exhibitors brought their Dobes into the
ring wearing red bandanas to pay tribute – it was very emotional and I am sure I was not the only
brought to tears by this.
I was proud to show Dave’s bitch, Eva (Newfords Whiskey Lulluby) in Postgraduate Bitch at crufts
where she was awarded 4th in a big class. Kirsty and her mum were thrilled to bits with this.
June Piper
Colin Watson
I first met Colin and his wife Hazel in the late eighties when Colin was handling their Dobermann
Male ‘Wor Trojan Warrior’, larger than life, Colin was a real gentle giant.
In 1989 Colin and Hazel bought Sallate’s Zelda, unfortunately they lost her very young in tragic
circumstances, they were heartbroken and Graham Hunt of Sallate Dobermanns gave them Mindy,
later to become Ch Sallate Black Magic of Coltrac. Barbara Harvey admired her as a youngster and
asked Colin & Hazel if she could handle her, they became a formidable partnership and won many
tickets, winning BOB at Crufts.