Page 147 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 147
(Isabella) only, with rust red markings. Markings Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points
to be sharply defined, appearing above each eye, should be considered a fault and the seriousness
on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and with which the fault should be regarded should
feet and below tail. White markings of any kind be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect
highly undesirable. upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the
dog’s ability to perform its traditional work.
Size: Ideal height at withers: dogs: 69 cms (27
ins); bitches: 65 cms (251/2 ins). Considerable Note: Male animals should have two apparently
deviation from this ideal undesirable. normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
The Breed Health and Conservation Plan As these conditions are all of a complex nature,
(BHCP) project was initiated in 2016, with and as there are no formally recognised
an evidence base and plan developed for screening schemes available at this time, both
the Dobermann in 2018. The purpose of the sides have been looking at possible research
BHCPs is to ensure that all health concerns are avenues and the potential to build on these
identified through evidence-based criteria, and in order to develop useful tools breeders can
that Breed Clubs and breeders are provided use in the future. This includes working with
with useful information and resources to universities and veterinary bodies to develop
support them in making balanced breeding scientific understanding of how DCM manifests
decisions that make health a priority. The in the breed, and whether particular parameters
BHCPs take a complete view of health with could be used in a breed-wide cardiac
consideration of the following issues: known screening.
inherited conditions, complex conditions (i.e.
The Kennel Club are also working with the
those involving many genes and environmental
University of Nottingham to further research into
effects such as nutrition or exercise levels, such
thyroid conditions, specifically hypothyroidism,
as hip dysplasia), conformational concerns
across a number of breeds, with the aim to try to
and population genetics. Prioritisation takes
into account a spectrum of evidence-based identify any underlying causes or preventative
actions dog breeders can take.
measures, recognising the impact of individual
health concerns on welfare, and maximum Other actions include improving on monitoring
benefit for positive change to a breed. The
of particular conditions, with the potential
BHCPs are monitored and reviewed on a of launching a breed health survey and
regular basis, so that we can ensure ongoing encouraging uptake in the longevity programme,
health needs are accommodated and reflect so that breeders can feed valuable information
progress and achievements. into a database which could be used in the
future as part of new research projects. And
Following a review of the available data for the
of course, monitoring any other appropriate
Dobermann, the Breed Club representatives
research which is relevant to the Dobermann.
and the Kennel Club agreed the priorities
for the breed are Heart disease – Dilated
Should you have a query regarding the process
Cardiomyopathy (DCM), Cancer – various kinds, and the Dobermann BHCP, please do not
but especially mammary tumours and lymphoma hesitate to contact me, Hannah James
(cancer of the lymph glands and Wobblers, also
known as cervical spondylomyelopathy. It was
also agreed DINGS (vestibular deafness) and or contact your Breed Health Coordinator,
hypothyroidism would be kept at watch and
Sue Thorn at