Page 152 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 152
Breed Club
Dobermann Club
by Debs Hutchinson, Secretary
Early Days Marienburg affix. Ch. Marienburg Sun Hawk
sired 85 American champions, an all time
The Club staged its the first open show at record in the USA. She has won many other top
the Leatherhead Leisure Centre in August
awards and judged numerous specialty shows.
1987. The Judge, Len Charles, a man of vast
experience from the era of Fred and Julia
Curnow, attracted an entry in excess of 250. Now
This was to prove to be the first of many Since these early days the Club has gone from
successes. strength to strength and our shows continue
to set the standard for others to follow. This is
February 9th, 1992 was a day to remember. due to the professional approach and general
The Club had received championship status stability of the committee and their hard work is
and could now award challenge certificates. reflected in an extremely healthy bank balance.
The judges for this important first championship
show were from the United States, Dr. May Two shows are held each year, a Championship
Jacobson from Wayland, Massachusetts and show in March and an open show in the
Mrs. Mary M Rodgers from California who summer. We have changed our show venue
between them drew an entry well in excess of recently. Our new show venue is based in
400. Oxfordshire at Steventon Village Hall, Abingdon
OX13 6RR
At the time of the show Dr. Jacobson had been
a Dobermann enthusiast for 27 years. She had For further information about the Club contact
bred or owned the sires of about 30 American
champions, among them a multi all-breed BIS Secretary Debs Hutchison 07828 941 184
winner. Her interests have extended to working
dogs with participation in schutzhund. She had
visit their website
judged in Europe, Asia and South America
as well as many Dobermann specialty shows
throughout the USA, served as Secretary to the
Dobermann Pinscher Club of America and had
or join their Facebook group
been on the Board of Directors for four years.
Mrs. Mary M Rodgers began breeding and groups/1182258558481069/
showing Dobermanns in 1962 and by 1992
had bred 81 American champions under the