Page 151 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 151
Colin and Hazel loved the social side of
showing and when the NECDS was in its
infancy used to welcome many exhibitors into
their home when there were back to back
shows the Darlington weekend. They always
made everyone very welcome, with their
house bursting at the seams at times!
Having lost touch when they stopped
showing, the powers of Facebook brought us
all together and Colin, Hazel and Louie came
to catch up at NECDS 2016 and it was as if
we had never been apart, great times, great
It was such a shock to hear of Colin’s
untimely passing in November 2019, it is still
very hard to believe.
I count myself very lucky to have known him,
a great family man, who adored Hazel, young
Colin and Tracey, his love for dobes was only
he Beginning
surpassed by his love of Newcastle United, T
and if you lost sight of Colin at a show you Although as our name suggests
could quickly locate him as he always had his we are based in the South East of
team colours on! England, our catchment area being
Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire,
Highly thought of and mentioned in the
membership is widespread throughout both
Newcastle United Football match program
the United Kingdom and overseas.
after his passing, the big man would have
been made up!
The Club was the brainchild of Reg and
It’s exhibitors like Colin that make dog shows Mary Barton and Robin Bradley who
great fun, friendly and there for the social coincidentally had realised there was a
side, I for one will never forget the big man, lack of Dobermann breed shows and other
his mischievous smile and his infectious associated activities held south of the
laugh, we really need more like him in this River Thames. These three enthusiasts
world.... pooled their knowledge and in the
Tracy McCall summer of 1985 extended an invitation
to anyone interested in the formation of
a new club to attend a meeting. With the
immense response received, they were
left in no doubt that they should put the
wheels in motion. Invitation for founder
memberships were offered and at a second
meeting in September a committee was
selected. Recognition by the Kennel Club
was sought and due to overwhelming
support from canine societies and clubs,
registration was given in March1987.