Page 144 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 144

In 1950 the Tavey kennel expanded their             As the breed evolved, breed registrations
           search and imported Waldo v.h Aamsveen from         and entry figures continued to grow and by
           Holland. Shortly after, Bruno of Tavey whelped      the 80s/90s some shows had around 300
           to another Dutch import to produce Elegant of       Dobermanns entered. Fast forward 30 years
           Tavey, who became the first Dobermann to win        and we have since had two new breed record
           BIS in The UK.                                      holders, with the current record standing with 71
           As the breed gained status in the UK, CCs were
           made available for the breed. The Dobermann         Today’s Dobermann
           started to take shape, going from strength to       Dobermanns have come a long way from the
                                              strength.        fierce dog created by Louis Dobermann. Today’s
                                              In 1963          Dobermann is an affectionate, loving family dog.
                                              Iceberg of       They are not for people who want a dog to look
                                              Tavey was        at from a distance. Dobermann’s are intensely
                                              born, who        loyal to their families and demand attention.
                                              went on to       Their priority in life is to be with you, love you
                                              be the first     and guard you 24 hours a day.
                                              breed record
                                                               Dobermanns are very versatile dogs. They
                                              holder, as
                                              the top          possess the attributes of superior intelligence,
                                              winning dog      strength, learning ability, agility and have
                                              in breed         a strong capacity to focus without being
                                                               distracted that has resulted in them being used
                                              history with
                                                               successfully as working dogs for many years.
                                              33 CCs.

                                                                                          Breed Club


           Dobermann Society

                                                                                     by Alison Richardson
                                                                 and compiled by the current committee
      T                                                        As a Dobermann breed club we hold two
               he North Eastern Counties Dobermann
               Society was formed in 1986 and is the
                                                               Dobermann breed specific shows each year.
               Kennel Club approved Dobermann breed
                                                               is authorised by The Kennel Club to issue
               club for North East England. Members            A Championship Show where the society
           of the Society are expected to demonstrate          Challenge Certificates and an Open Show. The
           a responsible and caring attitude towards           club also promotes it’s responsibilities to the
           the Dobermann breed.  Owners, exhibitors            Dobermann breed through other activities and
           and breeders alike must demonstrate this            seminars, details of which are published on
           responsbility in order to improve and enhance       our website. Membership of this Dobermann
           the health, temperament, quality and preserve       breed club is open to all Dobermann owners
           the future and reputation of the Dobermann          and enthusiasts around the world regardless of
           breed.                                              whether your interests are in showing, working

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