Page 78 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 78



                                           Juniors Juniors


                                                                        by Emer Wright

           Hi guys,                                            Facebook Groups (as well as on many person-
                                                               al posts) in relation to how shows will be run
           I hope that lockdown has been treating you all
                                                               safely at any point in the near future. Running
           well and you have all been making the most of
                                                               a show of any sort at the best of times is not for
           these very strange times! I am sure that, like
           myself, you are all really starting to miss the dog   the fainthearted, it takes ferocious amounts of
                                                               time and patience behind the scenes to bring
           shows. This time of year, we get so accustomed
           to travelling the length and breadth of the coun-   any event to the fore; I personally don’t feel that
                                                               Show Secretaries and Committees are given
           try (whether it be in the UK or Ireland – or both!)
                                                               half enough credit! But to be able to run a show
           each weekend. So much so that I think we stop
           noticing just how time consuming this hobby         while abiding by government guidelines and
                                                               while also making exhibitors feel comfortable
           really is! And while I cannot exactly say that
           setting the alarm on my phone for 3am every         and safe in the current circumstances? That just
                                                               seems as though it may be a bit of a logistical
           Saturday morning is something I really miss; it
                                                               nightmare! I certainly do not envy any Show
           would be nice to get the chance to do it again!
                                                               Secretaries and Committee Members who will
           There has been so much talk about when shows        be amongst the first to attempt to get events
           will be back. Am I being overly optimistic in hop-  up and running after this period. I do hope that
           ing that Breed Club Shows and smaller Open          Exhibitors will be patient and appreciate the
           Shows may not be too far away?! And while I         enormous task that it will be!
           think we are all aware that, as is going to be the
                                                               Many people online have questioned whether
           case with practically everything we now do in
                                                               it may be possible to judge a dog without close
           our daily lives, we may be required to become
           accustomed to a “new normal” in relation to         contact being made between the judge and the
                                                               handler; could dogs be judged without being
           dog shows; what exactly that “new normal” will
                                                               gone over on the table/ground, could the han-
           involve, no one seems to know just yet! Regard-
                                                               dler’s show the dog’s mouths and could that
           less, it will be a wonderful feeling to be back to
                                                               be the extent of the contact between handler
           spending our weekends surrounded by our dogs
           and dog show friends!                               and judge? While it seems to me that this may
                                                               not be feasible, one reason being that the coat
           There has been much debate on Facebook in           texture is so important in many breed standards.
           relation to when shows will be making a come-       Others seem to think it may be a valid option.
           back and there have been countless threads          And then what about Stewards, cleaners, cater-
           of discussion, sometimes relatively heated          ers, etc; there are a lot of aspects that will need
           discussion, on the various popular Exhibitor’s

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