Page 79 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 79

to be strongly considered before holding a small    Junior Handling Competition. We will continue
           show can even be attempted. We are just going       to review the situation over the coming months
           to have to wait and see what happens!               and will keep all our Members up to date with
                                                               any updates. In the meantime, we hope that our
           The big question on a lot of the Junior Handler’s
                                                               Members and their families will stay safe and
           minds is when they will be able to compete in
                                                               keep well.
           Junior Handling again! After all, there is not
           really any need for a judge to be in close contact
                                                                        “Lockdown Lowdown”
           with a Handler while judging Junior Handling.
           The dog’s bite is always shown by the Junior        In the last Online Edition of K9 News I asked
           rather than the judge, and the judge has no rea-    some of the Irish Junior Handlers to let me know
           son to touch the dog (except perhaps to move a      what they had been getting up to lately and to
           dog’s leg to see if the handler notices, albeit not   tell me a little bit about what has been keeping
           particularly necessary), so maybe Junior Han-       them occupied throughout their lockdown expe-
           dling classes may not be too far away. Sadly,       rience and their unexpected break from school
           however, nobody seems to know yet just how far      and dog shows! The reaction we got from this
           away. We can only hope! We will all be waiting      report was great, everyone was really interested
           with bated breath to hear a steward calling our     to see what their friends had been doing with
           ring number into the ring and to feel as though     their spare time! If you haven’t been featured
           some element of normal life has been restored.      yet don’t worry, I hope to contact more Junior
           However, in the meantime, I am personally           Handlers to feature in the next issue. Whether or
           enjoying my spare time, training and walking my     not you have featured already, if you have been
           dogs, spending lots of time with friends (while     getting up to anything exciting, started any new
           social distancing of course) and enjoying the       hobbies or have any cool stories you think other
           (mostly) good weather! I hope you are all mak-      Junior Handlers might be interested to hear
           ing the most of the situation too and will be as    about be sure to contact me!
           enthusiastic as I will be when the shows return!

                   JHAI Update on COVID-19
           The Junior Handler’s Association of Ireland
           are continuing to receive frequent messages
           from Junior Handlers and their parents who are
           curious to know how the Covid19 Lockdown is
           going to affect this year’s National Junior Han-
           dling Finals. We appreciate that it is a huge
           disappointment to many Juniors that they are
           missing out on their time in Junior Handling,
           especially for those who are coming towards the
           end of their time in the sport.
           Of course, the cancelling of shows was going
           to impact on the number of points that Junior
           Handler’s will be eligible to win throughout the
           year. However, now that all the Irish Shows for
           2020 have been cancelled, the Association’s       Luca-May, Eli and Aria Walker
           Committee will be forced to make a decision in     – from County Kilkenny, handlers of Alaskan
           relation to a 2020 Finals in the coming months.    Malamutes, Siberian Huskies and Petit Basset
           As the Annual Finals has taken place in recent      Griffon Vendeen.
           years in January, we do hope that we may be         “We have been missing seeing all our friends at
           able to stick with this arrangement and hold the    dog shows and showing our dog’s but we are
           2020 Finals in January 2021, but will await fur-     having a lot of fun at home playing and hiking
           ther communication from the Irish Kennel Club        with our dog’s and we are looking forward to
           and the committee of the Crufts International        seeing everyone when shows start again.”

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